How we calculate our numbers

Across this website we use a range of statistics and terms. The purpose of this section is to provide a more detailed explanation of what those numbers and terms mean. 

As at 31 March 2023

Part of world’s largest infrastructure manager: GIG is part of Macquarie Asset Management, the world’s largest infrastructure manager. Source: IPE Real Assets July / August 2022

Supported 5+ GW ​of renewable energy projects with PPAs​: Total capacity of renewable energy projects in development, construction or operation where GIG (either directly or via portfolio companies) has contributed equity investment, which is supported by power purchase agreements structured by GIG or its portfolio companies.

Green impact - As at 31 March 2024

259 million tCO2e greenhouse gas emissions avoidance: Total estimated GHG avoidance over the lifetime of principal investments structured by MAM’s Green Investments team and its predecessors, including UK Green Investment Bank and Green Investment Group within Macquarie Capital, and investments made by funds managed by Macquarie Asset Management, where we have made a conclusive determination that the requirements of the Green Investment Policy have been met, from November 2012 to 31 March 2024, subject to the Green Reporting Criteria. Please refer to the ‘How we report on green impact’ section of the website for further information on eligibility and exclusions. GHG avoidance is attributed, avoiding double counting between principal investments and fund investments. Estimated number of equivalent cars removed for 25 years, based on standardised petrol vehicle efficiency and mileage.

687,458 GWh renewable energy generation: Total estimated renewable energy generation over the lifetime of principal investments structured by MAM’s Green Investments team and its predecessors, including UK Green Investment Bank and Green Investment Group within Macquarie Capital, and investments made by funds managed by Macquarie Asset Management, where we have made a conclusive determination that the requirements of the Green Investment Policy have been met, from November 2012 to 31 March 2024, subject to the Green Reporting Criteria. Please refer to the ‘How we report on green impact’ section of the website for further information on eligibility and exclusions. Renewable energy generation is attributed, avoiding double counting between principal investments and fund investments. Estimated number of equivalent homes powered for 25 years, based on country specific data (Enerdata).


Equivalent number of cars removed: Where reference is made to the equivalent number of cars removed, calculations are based on standardised petrol vehicle efficiency and mileage and the total estimated greenhouse gas avoidance over the lifetime of the asset.

Equivalent number of homes powered: Where reference is made to the equivalent number of homes powered, calculations are based on country specific average household electricity consumption (Enerdata) and the total estimate renewable energy generation over the lifetime of the asset.

Green impact: Defined by GIG as the contribution to five specific environmental goals: our 'Green Purposes'. Every investment covered by our green impact governance approach must contribute to one or more of our purposes and many contribute to more than one.

Green impact statements: The latest published green impact statements can be found in our Progress Reports.  GIG only reports estimated green impact in its green impact statements for projects where a binding commitment has been made to make a principal investment at, or subsequent to, the project reaching final investment decision (FID).

Green impact methodology: Further details of our methodology for calculating green impact are provided in our Green Impact Reporting Criteria.

Green energy: Defined by GIG as the generation of electricity or heat from renewable or low-carbon sources - and includes wind, solar, biogas and green hydrogen.

References to GIG: Where reference is made to GIG, these statistics include historical Macquarie Capital activity which was integrated with GIB to form GIG in 2017.

Calculating GW capacity of green energy assets: For further information on how we calculate GW capacity of green energy assets, refer to Section 3.5.2 (Process description) in the Macquarie FY2023 Basis of Preparation for ESG Reporting.


  1. The metrics provided are estimates and based on the most recent data, assumptions and methodologies as at 31 March 2024 and are subject to changes in operational performance, market conditions, project-specific impacts and regulatory developments. Updates to the methodology, data or changes in assumptions may lead to updated figures. Past performance does not predict future returns, and these metrics should not be interpreted as forecasts.